Phoenix’s District 7 is truly exceptional, featuring a vibrant blend of communities—from the  historic downtown and central city neighborhoods to the urban rural charm of Laveen, and the  culturally dynamic Maryvale and South Phoenix. Each area is facing challenges of growth,  construction, and maintaining the delicate balance of preserving its rich past while embracing  progress. My journey in Phoenix has taken me in wonderful directions such as Board Chair of  the Phoenix Center for the Arts and founding my nonprofit The SEEN. With all that I’ve learned,  it has now led me to a pivotal point: to run for city council and champion the diverse voices of  our neighborhoods.

Every resident shares a vision: to live in a neighborhood that is safe, clean, and enjoyable. While  the issues we confront may be varied, there is no cookie-cutter solution. What matters most is a  thoughtful, inclusive approach that respects the distinct character of each community.

Phoenix stands at a crossroads and I believe our path forward requires thoughtful, proactive leadership. My approach isn’t reactionary, rather calm and deliberate, focused on crafting  policies that truly benefit us all. Good decisions stem from careful planning and understanding,  that is the only way our community can thrive

My platform rests on essentials that will improve District 7’s quality of life: 

1. Responsible Development: Ensuring that the community’s voice shapes its own  landscape by including community perspectives into every facet of the development  journey—from thoughtful parking and providing ample green spaces, to fostering local  businesses and supporting artistic endeavors.  

2. Community Empowerment: I want my consituents to feel empowered to confidently  engage with elected officials, knowing their voices shape our shared future. I plan to  empower each community to cultivate its own unique charm, identity and vibrant arts  scene.  

3. Public Safety: I’m committed to improving public safety and supporting our police  officers. This includes adding the presence of counselors within the police force, helping  them handle issues beyond traditional criminal activity with expertise and empathy. I will  also advocate for improved training for officers, 911 dispatch personnel, and all those  providing public safety assistance to strengthen our community’s well-being. 

4. Public Transportation: It’s important that our city prioritzes passenger comfort and  safety with our public transit system. Waiting for a bus should not mean enduring the  harsh Arizona sun without relief. Every bus stop should offer shade, seating, and an  overall dignified experience for passengers. In a climate like ours, it's essential that our  transportation infrastructure cares for those who rely on it. 

5. Housing Affordability: We need to strike a balance where affordable housing becomes a  reality without stifling the ability of developers to thrive and contribute to our community. With developers, we can innovate and find creative approaches that ensure  housing remains within reach for all residents.

To me, effective leadership begins with listening. I firmly believe that many people are dissatisfied with politicians because they feel unheard. My goal is not just to hold office, but to  make a tangible difference in Phoenix. I'm here to serve and listen, not to impose my beliefs. That's why I’ll prioritize being out in our neighborhoods and engaging with residents from all walks of life. Weekly meetings, responsive emails, and open office hours are just a few ways I  plan to stay accessible and accountable to you.

I’m ready to lead District 7 into a brighter future—one defined by collaboration, compassion,  and progress. With your support, we can achieve responsible development, empower our neighborhoods, and ensure our city works for everyone. Together, let's create a Phoenix where  each of us has a voice and a stake in our success.